Hello to all of my fans and welcome to my highly anticipated blog! jk hi Ms.Bertrand. Since it's a new blog its only fair if I share some things about myself. For starters im 15 years old and and I was born in Vancouver. My family consists of me, my mom, my dad, my older brother,and my dog. I am a very big book lover and can't last a day without reading something. Im kind of known for being obsessed with the show Pretty Little Liars and the Vancouver Canucks. Hope that was enough about me
Ms. Bertrand
9/5/2013 01:43:14 pm

Hi Priya, I'm already a fan, especially since you're a fellow book lover! I too am a voracious reader. Perhaps this is an aea we could look into for your future career options. You could be an author, an editor, a Librarian, an illustrator, even an English teacher :) Oh the options abound. It's going to be a great year


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